Monday, July 28, 2014

OTC Med Tip for Mama

This cold has hit me like a ton of bricks and it's been almost three days in, and I can think now.  Once I got on my Mucinex PE regimen (with iuprofen,) I could hear my own voice through the phlem in my sinuses. Taking the otc pills at the correct time was a feat, but I devised a trick.  I wrote the times I needed to take the pills on the paper back of the meds for the rest of the day.  See the picture, my next three 4 hour doses are to be taken at 12, 4 and 8.  Such a menial thing, but a huge factor in getting those hammers to stop drumming in my head!
I don't have to think about it anymore, it's written down.  I won't lose the paper I wrote it on.  Just thought you'd like a helpful tip for those days you aren't 100% and it hurts to try to calculate doses and times.
You are so welcome! Hope this helps you too!

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