Friday, July 31, 2015

REAL Discipleship by Lori Carr

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Lori Carr has mentored younger women for over 35 years.  God has grown her and used her to write the curriculum for REAL Discipleship. In this course, she gives us the skills to ask questions and dig deeper, how to discern where your disciple is spiritually and how to connect with gals in their twenties and older, and how to navigate this relationship.

Session One Podcast

In the first session Lori said we only want to mentor F.A.T. Christians.  Those women who are truly faithful, available, and teachable.  As disciples those qualities apply to us also.  Lori shared resources in her Discipling Tool Box.  She recommend we begin gathering and filling our discipling toolboxes with things that have helped us grow in Christ and we can share with others. 

Some of Lori's favorite tools are Corrie Ten Boom's book "The Hiding Place."  She recommended Larry Crabb's "Soul Talk" and Cynthia Healds books for women, since Cynthia was her personal mentor (before becoming a Christian women's author.) She gave us a taste of Bob Sorge's "Secrets of the Secret Place," see graphic. You can see more resources at

Pinterest Discipling Women

Lori has refined good questions and comments to direct a conversation deeper like "What were you really thinking?" "We need to talk about this." "What did God teach you in the Word this week?"

It's important to come across not judgmental.  Instead of judging "Suzy" for being late to church again, be discerning and wonder why she was late.  At the right time, say "I noticed you have been late to church (pause)..." Give her time to think and share.  And focus on listening.

Learn to view our alone time with the Lord as ETERNAL INVESTMENT! OUR REFUGE!

Lori reminds us that Corrie Ten Boom's experience with the fleas in the concentration camp, which protected them from sexual abuse; we must learn to be grateful to God for the protection we pray for in life even though it may be uncomfortable.

Are we holding out our hands to God saying use me?  

Remember the disciples gave up everything, left their families and homes to follow Jesus into ministry.  Taking time with mentors may mean giving up things we like do with our time, like taking trips or missing that movie to teach Sunday School. Don't believe the lie that sacrifice will be miserable.  When we find ourselves holding on too tightly to something, God may ask us to give it up.

Class Homework:

Minimum 2 times /week:  Journal during your Bible time.  Focus on 1-3 verses.  Ask yourself, what did the verse say to me, what did it mean to me, and what does God wants me to do with it.

Week 1
Read Organic Mentoring Chapters 1-3
Take Mentor's Self Assessment p. 197
Take Mentor's Perspective p. 199

Week 2
Read Organic Mentoring Chapters 4-5

Week 3
Read Organic Mentoring Chapter 6
Take Listening skills Assessment p. 200

Week 4
Grow!! Grow!! Grow!!
Fill your toolbox!

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