Friday, February 24, 2012

Shot Glass Snack Tip

Here's my shot glass snack tip:
Put a single serving of a salty dipping snack, such as pretzels in a small bowl around a shot shot glass filled with your favorite dip.  Now you can eat your snack in front of the tv without having the bag of pretzels and a separate bowl for your dip.  It's ingenious, I think.

Sharing tips and ideas are fun for me and I'm collecting  many various ones on Pinterest.  You should follow me there, I've scoured the site for tons of tips.  But I must warn you, I've gathered so many ideas I could never implement them all.  It's somewhat overwhelming to have more tips than time or energy.  But yet I still continue to surf and fill my pin boards.

I must admit the snack bowl idea is something I've been using for a while, because I love dipping salty snacks into creamy dips.  The small pretzel sticks work better than the ones shown, but you get the idea.

About dips, I'll never forget what my UT Motivation Class  professor told us.  He said the best parties have three or more different tasting dips, because it keeps people at your party longer.  Why?  It's because your taste for the each dip satiates, or gets bored,  after a few bites of it.  

On that note, I want to point out that all of our senses satiate.  For instance, have you ever noticed we stop smelling the sinky skunk musk after a few minutes of being exposed to it?  Same thing with our husband or wive's nagging, we tune out our families voices; like our kids stop hearing our reminders.    God made us so the familiar gets desensitized.  We get accustomed to things and stop appreciating's in our DNA.  So, it takes work to not be desensitized in our world.  Like appreciating the beauty of the Texas hill country when we drive past it every day.  It takes work to listen after we hear the voice of our loved one tell us the details to a story.  It takes work to be amazed at the wonders  of nature around us after living in it for a while.  

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