Sunday, November 4, 2012

Seasonal Time Off = Mom Stress

Keeping my only child socially fulfilled over the Thanksgiving & CHRISTmas breaks this year shouldn't stress me out like this!

But with no guest or travel plans for Thanksgiving, my stress is opposite to most to fill the time off we have with fun & memorable activities. Because most people make Turkey Day plans with their families, either near or far, our daughter will have fewer friends available to invite to hang out with her. She will text each one to come over or meet up, but will feel rejected when they don't respond or have other plans. I have seen this on several occasions and it breaks my heart for her.

Since we have no social plans for December, I feel it's my duty to create a fun schedule for her two weeks off also to soften the low off rejection and keep her busy.

Why not just make travel plans to fill the time? Because my husband enjoys the quiet down time. He gets very little free time working 60 hour weeks. And he loves to work with his hands on his projects when he has several hours at a time. Unplanned free time is the best gift I can give him!

So for years now, I've solved my dilemma of protecting his time & making hers enjoyable with careful planning. Searching fun activities she & I can do that give Dad some space during the day is a trick.

This past year, I've pinned many crafts and fun things we can do together over the holidays. Thank God for Pinterest! She & I will work together in the kitchen and practice timing dishes to finish at the same time. We'll set a pretty table. I'll have her help me pick a few crafts to do, and we'll buy the supplies at the hobby store. We'll bake and surprise neighbors with goodies in cute containers. We'll practice random acts of kindness. We'll send out our photo cards & share in the fun of opening other's greetings. Etc.

What stresses you out about the impending holidays? How do you cope?

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